Owls are usually considered to be fall animals because they become very noisy during the fall season, as they set up their nests and mark their territories before winter starts. There is also a lot of superstition concerning owls. In some cultures, they were used as symbols of magic while in different societies they were associated with witches. And obviously, the howl of an owl is often used make your hair stand on end in scary horror movies. However, making a wise old owl from a paper plate is one of the many quick, easy and fun craft ideas kids enjoy not only during Halloween but any time of year.
What You Will Need to Make a Paper Plate Owl ?
• Small paper plates ( BUY ON AMAZON )
• Construction paper in yellow or orange
• Googly eyes or buttons ( BUY ON AMAZON )
• Acrylic craft paint ( BUY ON AMAZON )
• Felt pens of different colors ( BUY ON AMAZON )
• Scissors
• Craft glue
• Yarn (optional)
Here is step by step guide to make a paper plate owl :
Step 1: Using felt pens draw patterns in the center of the paper plate. You can use different colors to make the owl as beautiful and colorful as possible.

Step 2: Near the top of the paper plate on each side, make two cuts towards the center of the paper plate and then snip out two diagonals. Fold over the top flap. This will be the owl’s head.

Step 3: Next color in the wings with the acrylic craft paint and paint brushes.

Step 4: Once the painted wings are dry, cut the construction paper (yellow or orange) into small triangles and glue in place for the owls’ beak. Then glue on the googly eyes or use buttons, they also make excellent pupils for the eyes too.
Step 5: Using the yellow or orange construction paper, cut two tiny feet. Glue them to the body.

Step 6: You can tape a piece of yarn to the back to create a hanger if you wish. You could then turn a few of these owls into moving creatures by hanging them from a small tree branch, or you could pin them to a cut-out paper tree on a wall or a bulletin board.
This paper plate owl craft is perfect for children of all ages even babies can contribute since it is nontoxic and safe, with no sharp objects involved to cut their tender fingers.
You can also use your creative side and imagination to make the paper craft unique and special making the activity a fun family time or even a classroom project and keep the young ones entertained while they discover their creative abilities.
There are also many different kinds of paper plate owls’ you can get the kids doing. Many of them do not require special equipment and are low cost or free to create